Old Days

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I was in my room and I'm bored, thinking what must I do and I remember my blog, it is due on sunday and I have many stuffs in my mind but I don't know how and where do I start to write for my entries. and then I looked at my upper cabinet and I decided to open it, I don't know why but I did. then I found my old things, old books, notebooks,pictures, letters, examination papers and the most important is I found my old memories.

while looking on my old stuffs and while reading it, I can't help but laugh. All those crazy moments, strong bonds and very childish attitudes, it makes me miss my old friends and classmates.

then I found my journal in my first year in high school because our teacher required us to have it. my entries in that journal kills me now. it says how stupid I am, how immature I am, how my mood change from time to time. it makes me sick, asking myself why I wrote those entries!what comes to my mind to write that! thinking that our teacher would read and check it.

but above all, I'm very happy I found those special memories. I'm really glad that now, I learned from that crazy moments. I really miss my high school family.

HEY! can you imagine, I found out that I was awarded as a MATHEMATICIAN when I was first year high school :D