Globalized Letranites

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Colegio de San Juan de Letran Bataan is very globalized because modern communication allow fast and efficient even to its remote parts.

CSJL Bataan lives up to its theme of globalization by upgrading and modernizing its educational facilities, equipment and tools. and enhancing the quality of education it offers by selecting knowledgeable and professional educators who can provide advanced approaches in the methods of teachings.

Letranites followed the new trends of clothes and new gadgets, but we should not forget that we should act matured, level-headed, responsible and disciplines citizens inside or outside of the campus because Letran aims to produce professionals who shall be ready to face challenges and competitions worldwide.


When I was born, I was presented with a single, glossy piece of paper. It told me my name and gender. At the bottom, it warned, “Please do not lose this! These things will define you!”
And surely they would.
I did not know why I should memorize these facts but I did: there wasn’t much to remember.

The day I went to preschool, ten more glossy pages were added. It was more complicated than I thought. I learned that I should not wear blue, green or black—these were boy colors. My favorite color had to be a girl color and should probably be pink for good. I was again reminded not to lose the papers.

If I thought I knew anything in preschool, it was nothing compared to what I learned  in elementary school. Here, twenty five pages were handed to me. There were heaps of rules to explain what type of friends I should have, the stores where I must shop, and the activities I must pursue.

High school was the largest stack yet. Its was sixty five pages filled with complex formulas for popularity, discussing weight, and a stringent dress code. Again, I followed the rules.

By the beginning of college, I had an even 100  pages. Theses conventions were set in stone, but the comfort may cherished manual had always given me was detriorating. Now I was supposed to live by these rules. I was supposed to value them, but I found they were making me miserable.

The one last sheet of paper came to me. It arrived as not the others had and was not glossy or white. This paper was bent on the edges, and the text was little smudged.
“Why do you care about these rules? Life gave you no manual. Don’t you know your own handwritting?”
I look at the paper and compared it to the rest.

My manual was self-imposed.
It was not a rapid or easy change to accept that the petty things I valued as a child could be altered. I chucked the manual and started over, feeling as if new lung had opened within my chest. It would be hard to create myself without rules, but if I could create new rules, I could also break them. The possibilities for the future are endless if you keep from limiting yourself.


Don't deny it; every little girl is a princess. At sleep-overs, we did each other's make up.
we were princesses, and we were beautiful, and every girl was special, unique and kind. We were never as mean as we are now because, in the end, we remembered our royal roots and that we were princesses. every little girl dreamed that the boy she liked would do something heroic or dashing like in Disney movies.

that's all part we all know. what I want to know now is, when does the princesses realize she is going to have to get out of the castle on her own? when do the girls stop thinking there is a prince? is it when they really get to know a boy?

I stopped being a princess long ago when I realized there's a reason why fairy tales are so enticing: nobody's life is a fairy tale, no matter how good it may seem.

we want to people think our life is a fairy tale, even though we know it isn't. there are girls who are  always crying over everything; they want people to think their life is exciting and dramatic.

don't the prince and princess always get back together? if we can convince each other that our lives are fairy tales like we played when we were princesses, maybe we can convince ourselves, too. that's not far from the truth, that feeling we get when something that seems "too good to be true"happens. . . that's when we can almost believe, and it is just like old times when we did each other's make up at sleepovers, back when we were princesses.

Unconditional Love

My father grew up in a simple and big family. they lived near the river. I remember his story that he needs to look for a fish for them to have a lunch or dinner. Back then, he has a simple dreams but great ambitions for his family so he work harder and harder that's why he had given us a great life like this.

for me he is the best and perfect father. he didn't think for his own, rather he always think for our future.
I love him, I really really do. he never hit me or yelled at me because he always try to speak calmly at me. and I think that's more effective. he always try to understand me. he is always their to listen for my non-sense stories.

He is my best buddy and I am his princess. he always give me what I want and what I need. YES he spoiled me! but he spoiled me with love and care. I remember when I was a child he wouldn't let me to eat at my own plate because he wants to share his plate for me. it's always like that, eating with the same plate together. I remember also, I get jealous with my mom always. Until now, when he will buy something for my mom he will always make it to a point that he will buy me also even though I don't need it that much as my mom does.

I really love how he show us how important we are for him, how much he loves us.
Even though now, he is a miles away from us because he is working in Saudi, we can still feel his love.
now, I want to see him again, I want to be with him again, I want this puzzle to be whole again because I want to share my plate with him again.

Old Days

I was in my room and I'm bored, thinking what must I do and I remember my blog, it is due on sunday and I have many stuffs in my mind but I don't know how and where do I start to write for my entries. and then I looked at my upper cabinet and I decided to open it, I don't know why but I did. then I found my old things, old books, notebooks,pictures, letters, examination papers and the most important is I found my old memories.

while looking on my old stuffs and while reading it, I can't help but laugh. All those crazy moments, strong bonds and very childish attitudes, it makes me miss my old friends and classmates.

then I found my journal in my first year in high school because our teacher required us to have it. my entries in that journal kills me now. it says how stupid I am, how immature I am, how my mood change from time to time. it makes me sick, asking myself why I wrote those entries!what comes to my mind to write that! thinking that our teacher would read and check it.

but above all, I'm very happy I found those special memories. I'm really glad that now, I learned from that crazy moments. I really miss my high school family.

HEY! can you imagine, I found out that I was awarded as a MATHEMATICIAN when I was first year high school :D


Friday, March 11, 2011

Based on a true story from Japan, the tale of Hachiko is a moving film about loyalty and the rare, invincible bonds that occasionally form almost instantaneously in the most unlikely places,

Years before, an Akita puppy(Hachiko) is sent from Japan to the United States but his cage falls off the baggage cart at an American train station, where he is found by college professor Parker Wilson.

A few years later, Hachi and Parker are as close as ever. Parker, however, is still mystified by Hachi's refusal to do normal, dog-like thingslike chase and retrieve a ball.

Hachi and Parker form an extremely strong bond. every morning, Hachiko walks to the station with its owner, Parker and every afternoon. at five, Hachi returns to wait for his master.

One day the professor doesn't return from work because he died from heart attack. Hachi waits for hours until the professor's daughter comes to take it home.

Every day for ten long years, Hachi returns to the station in anticipation of its master's arrival at the station. vendors and employees at the station feed Hachi but he never accepts another master.

Hachi finally dies at the terminal, still waiting for his beloved master.

Today, a bronze statue of Hachi sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya station in Japan as a permanent reminder of his devotion, love, and above all unyielding loyalty.


 Restaurant: McDonald’s Restaurant 

Cuisine:  Fast food
Last visited: March 9, 2011
Location: Balanga City, Bataan
Address:  J.P Rizal COR A. Bonifacio, Balanga City
Price Range: P25-P200

             McDo restaurant is very ideal place to eat in a reasonable prices. Their crews were very friendly , have a pleasing personality and approachable.  They always greet you whenever you step to their restaurant. They always make you feel that you are so welcome and important for them. They give you everything you need just ask for it.  I knew this because when I was  young my mom enrolled me in their kiddie crew. They trained us and we’re like waiter and waitress. They always told us to smile at customer s  always. And their number one rule is “Customers are always right.” So when it comes to the point that one of their customer s would complain they just accept it, litsen to the complain ang give what the costumer wanted.

            I always buy their McSavers, the chicken fillet sandwich or with rice, and of course their fries.
The McSavers were very convenient and affordable for students like me. It is only P50 and you got chicken fillet with rice or sandwich, it’s up to you and regular drink.
If you buy sandwich its is checken fillet with mayonnaise and bread, but if with rice it is chicken fillet with gravy and it’s kinda spicy. I’m really inlove with their McSaver! But compare the size of their chicken to manila it is large their, you can eat it with two rice but here it’s like they cut it into half.

            I’m very happy with their service, it is very fast. You don’t have to wait for like half an hour.
You just look for your seat and order what you want and eat. Because each counter consists of two crews, one is taking your order and the one will get your order.

            McDo has a typical ambiance for a fast food. But there is Television so customer s can watch during eating. It is for entartainment.  And it also has a playground for kids. It is a safe and large slide so the kids will surely enjoy it.




Monday, March 7, 2011

You are always there
You give me strength 
And for all of this
I must give you thanks

It should be
The other way around
I should be helping you
When you are down

So when the pain Is too much to bear
And I cannot be there
Take this poem and read it through
And know that I will always love you!

surprise party for his auntie.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Last February 20, is the surprise birthday party for his auntie Fe. That night was so fun because we prepared a dance number. me together with his sister and cousins. it is great right? :)) *choreographed by warren*
Our practice every night was so worth it. The audience was happy for our performance specially his grandmother.
it is so nice dancing with his relatives. they are so kind. I felt very comfortable with them because they are so approachable and cool.
I always laugh when I'm with them not only because they were all funny but also I'm very happy to spent time with them, to have a coolest moments with them.
I really like his family to be my family also:))

simple but meaningful valentine's day

I spent my Valentine's day with Warren. Our celebration of that special day is simple but meaningful. He knows I really do love surprises so he surprised me me of a video of a cat telling me his message. the voice of the cat was so funny. 
he knows how I hate cats but he thought, putting the character of a cat makes the video funnier and exciting to watch.

after that, we had our breakfast together and dinner in our house.
I told you that it is simple but meaningful.
even though he didn't gave me roses like others usually do but he gave me that video  and I want it more than a dozen of roses because all I want is to be with him, just sit and watch T.V, I'm already contented with that because the important is,
we're together in that special day.

Angel in Disguise


  Please let me introduce him,
         He is Warren Alarcon Bernabe,my first boyfriend and my first love :)  his parents always tells him that he is the hope of his family so his father will not work as a seaman anymore. even though he is not the eldest because their eldest brother had a family already but still living with them. his parents always say that he is a thoughtful and very kind son. I can prove that because he is afraid to break his family's expectations. 

         He is a regular 3rd year student of civil engineering and know what? he is so responsible, matured, intelligent and dedicated to his studies. as other's say, he is "all in one", he is smart, talented, he is good in singing, dancing and he can play well every kind of sports. he is one in a million ;). being with him for almost four years is like winning in a lotto(I hope he feels the same way. hahaha :DD)

         He loves his family so much specially his mother. in fact, based  on my observation, he is the only son I've met that his parents didn't get angry with him because he always choose to do the right thing.
        He has a very broad mind and sometimes I hate it when we argue. hahahaa :)))
       I learned so much from him and I wont forget that till the last day of my life. for me and for his parents, he is an Angel in Disguise.


 After three months of being single (I really enjoyed those moments :D) Warren and I were together again. I met him last 2007 and we broke up before our 3rd anniversary. I realized that, I'd rather choose the one who really loves me and I'm pretty sure of it. than the one who never gave me the assurance. (hmmm. enough of it :))
I enjoyed more our relationship this time because now I can act freely, I can do what ever I want. he's not strict anymore. well that's the first thing I want to happen, and I told this to him before we decided to come back to each other's arm. because I realized that doing the things you usually do and doing it again and again, it only makes the two of you tired, less exciting and boring. we should experience new things, together. 
and this new things will make our relationship tighter. I don't want to be the kind of girl that tells everyone the every development of her love life. I only tell my story to my closest friends  but now, I'm happy and proud that I'm here, with him, AGAIN.

A Girl turns into Woman


            My life now in College has many changes because of my struggles in my college life but I can now see the true meaning of life/ the importance of it someone's career. you are th one who would make your life beautiful as you wanted it to be. not anyone else will make your life colorful, even God, he is there just to guide us, our source of strength to go on and work with our life. as the saying goes, "its not over until its over". even though you have many problems and obstacle in your life, you still have the chance to make things right, just choose to look on a brighter side, there's many things you should experience and these will make us smart and strong to face new challenges. don't blame God if your problems are already loaded. instead, thank him because he wants you to be strong. God will not give us challenges if he knows we can't solve it. "mas mabuti nang masira ang isang bagay para mabuo mo ito ng mas matibay".

            My life was changed not only to my studies but as a person as well. our family problem taught me that life is not always smooth sailing, you have to experience rough roads so you can face and and overcome big problems that life might be given to you. I am not a spoiled brat anymore. the very dependent girl to her parents is now a good and dependable sister to her brothers. the girl who can get whatever she wants, can now learn to wait for the right time.

            Now all I want is to help my family not just myself. all the good things about my future is what I'm aiming for now. my struggles and obstacles from my past will surely be my armor for tomorrow.