What really matters..

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am eighteen years young. I have completed fourteen years of school. I am only eighteen years young and yet I have seen and experienced so much. So much, that it makes my future seem boring.

I have broken hearts. I have lied, cheated and stolen. I have skipped church. I have made people cry. I have made mistakes. I have had my heart broken. I have witnessed close friends come out. I have had fights with my best friend for pretty reason. I have had panic attacks and social anxiety and been the victim of mild depression. I have used the words "I hate you" too many times. I have witnessed the good and bad in just eighteen years. I regret countless things I have said and done.

But this is not what matters...

what matters is the good. what matters are times I have listened, the times I have offered a shoulder to a sobbing friend. what matters is the difference I made in someone's life. whether helping with homework, sharing a smile, or calling just to say hello. what matters is the hard work I do and the recognition I receive.
what matters are the memories I have made, the laughs I have shared, and the bonds I have kept.
what matters is the exemplary mature woman I become by learning from my mistakes when I was still an ignorant , little girl in the past sixteen years of my life. All the matters are the good.