My Alma Mater

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy ending is what everyone wished and dreamed of. everyone wants to a fairy tale ending but this is merely found on books and films. human life is always springed with complications and struggles which couldn't be solved by magical wand of a fairy God mother or a Genie in the bottle. What we need is hard work, prayer to our Almighty Creator and the continuing support of our love ones.

 I gratefully thank all the people who touched my heart in my four and fruitful years of study in School of the Madeleine. my fountain of knowledge and builders of self-esteem, my teachers, mentors who restlessly guide and support me since I first step foot in this campus. No doubt they willingly shared ample time and effort to ensure that I become better individual.

Studying here is not only solving X and Y variables. Not figuring SOH, CAH and TOA, or knowing correct grammatical structures and proper pronunciation but they also taught me to become better person, better student and most of all to become a better child to my parents.

I know it is too early to say that I would have a happy ending  that I am wishing for but because of the values and substantial lessons that the people of this school have taught me specially my mentors, the never ending encouragement of my friends and colleagues, the unfailing love and support of my parents, the unconditional love and guidance of God, I believe that I already have a strong foundation to reach the goal that God had designed for me.